Recreational Soccer League

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  1. I have never played before. Is that ok?

  2. When is registration open for the Fall/Spring Recreational season?

  3. How do I register for the Recreational Season?

  4. What equipment will I need? Do I need to buy a jersey? 

  5. How much are the registration fees? 

  6. What if I want to play, but I can’t afford the registration fees? 

  7. What do I bring to practice?

  8. When does the soccer season start? How long does the season last? 

  9. When are the games played?

  10. Where are the games played? 

  11. How often is practice? Where do you practice? 

  12. Who is the coach? Can I be the coach? 

  13. I don’t want to be the coach. Can I still help out? 

  14. Do you know someone that can be a referee?

  15. What does “recreational” mean? What are the other options? 

  16. Why should I play with Centex Storm? 


1. I have never played before. Is that ok?

Of course! Recreational soccer is the perfect place to start playing organized soccer. Our recreational league emphasizes fun over competition. Many of the players each season are brand new to soccer. 

Our coaching guidelines are that all players receive at least 50% play time during games (under most circumstances). 

If you have any questions or you want more information, please feel free to email us at [email protected].  We’d be happy to have someone reach out to you and answer any questions you have!

2. When is registration open for the Spring 2025 Recreational season?

Spring 2025 registration opened on November 1, 2024 and will continue until February 1, 2025. If you miss the deadline, there will be a waitlist posted on our website mainpage and on our recreational soccer page. As spots open up on teams, Centex Storm will reach out to families to get their player registered. There is no guarantee if you are on the waitlist you will be added to a team.

3. How do I register for the Spring 2025 Recreational Season?

We use a program called GotSport for team & player management. You can register here:

When you enter your player’s date of birth in the GotSport registration, it will automatically determine the level that your player will be. For reference, the age charts are below.


Born2024/2025 Age Group
January 1, 2007 – December 31, 200718 Under/ U18
January 1, 2008 – December 31, 200817 Under/ U17
January 1, 2009 – December 31, 200916 Under/ U16
January 1, 2010 – December 31, 201015 Under/ U15
January 1, 2011 – December 31, 201114 Under/ U14
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 201213 Under/ U13
January 1, 2013 – December 31, 201312 Under/ U12
January 1, 2014 – December 31, 201411 Under/ U11
January 1, 2015 – December 31, 201510 Under/ U10
January 1, 2016 – December 31, 20169 Under/ U9
January 1, 2017 – December 31, 20178 Under/ U8
January 1, 2018 – December 31, 20187 Under/ U7
January 1, 2019 – December 31, 20196 Under/ U6
January 1, 2020 – December 31, 20205 Under/ U5
January 1, 2021 – December 31, 20214 Under/ U4

4. What equipment will I need? Do I need to buy a jersey?

To play, you will need 3 things: soft-cleated shoes, shin guards, and black athletic shorts. It is also recommended that you get a size appropriate soccer ball.

Your team’s jersey and socks will be provided by your team’s coach. The jersey and socks will be your team’s colors. When you register, you will select your player’s jersey size. We do our best to match players to their jersey sizes.

Soft-cleated shoes cannot not have metal spikes on the bottom.

There are versions of shin guards that are small and slip into the socks and versions that wrap around the ankle. Some players find the ankle version rubs during the game, but some players find the ankle version provides additional support. The majority of players use the smaller, slip in style. Whatever style you choose is your choice.

5U, 6U, 7U, and 8U will use a size 3 soccer ball.

9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U will use a size 4 soccer ball.

13U and up will use a size 5 soccer ball.

5. How much are the registration fees?

The Spring 2025 recreational leagues, the registration fees are:

4U (2021) – First Kick: $59

5U – 6U (2019 & 2020) Co-ed: $89 

7U – 8U (2017 & 2018): $99

9U – 10U (2015 & 2016): $99

11U – 12U (2013 & 2014): $119

13U – 15U (2010, 2011, & 2012): $125

16U – 19U (2006, 2007, 2008, & 2009): $175

If you have more than 2 players that are going to play, there are special procedures we can use to discount the registration fees for the 3rd+ players that you are registering. Please contact [email protected] before using the online registration system to inquire about these procedures. 

6. What if I want to play, but I can’t afford the registration fees?

Centex does offer partial and/or full scholarships to players who need registration assistance. Please email [email protected] and let us know that you are interested in learning more about the scholarships that are available. 

7. What do I bring to practice?

You can choose what to wear to practice – just bring your cleats and socks that can hold your shin guards. Your team jersey and socks are only for games. 

Practice checklist:

  • Lots of water!
  • Shin guards
  • Cleats
  • Soccer ball

8. When does the soccer season start? How long does the season last?

Practices for the spring 2025 seasons are expected to begin in February. 

Games will begin in March and end in May. 

9. When are the games played?

We try to schedule most of the games on Saturdays. Occasionally, there are weeknight games. If there is inclement weather that causes a game to be missed, then sometimes the make-up game will be rescheduled during the weeknight.

10. Where are the games played?

The games are played at the Den Harder Soccer Complex (formerly Crossroads Soccer Complex) located at 6600 Research Loop in Temple, TX. 
Or click on this link: 

11. How often is practice? Where do you practice?

The practice schedule is determined by the coaches of each team and locations are assigned by Centex Storm. The general guidelines are that: 4U is called “First Kicks”.  First Kick will be scheduled on Saturday mornings at Den Harder Soccer Complex. Please bring a ball, shin guards, and plenty of water. Parents are encouraged to help out. No practices during the week. 5U & 6U generally only practice once a week for an hour or less.  7U and up will be determined by the coaches. The coach will will communicate to their teams the time and location of practices. 

12. Who is the coach? Can I be the coach?

All of Centex Storms’ coaches are volunteers. All Centex Storm volunteers must have a current background check and be SafeSport and Heads Up (concussion) trained. We are always looking for more coaches!

Coaches and players will not be assigned to teams until after the registration period closes. After coaches are assigned their player list, then the coach will reach out to each player to introduce themselves and inform the team of practice times and location.

The experience of the coaching volunteer ranges from veteran coaches at the Division 1 level to first-time coaches who have never even played soccer before. At the 12U level and up, we try to pair each team with experienced coaches. 

If you have new players at the 5U or 6U level, it’s the perfect time to volunteer to coach! The players are so young, you spend most of your time playing fun games with them. You do not have to have experience playing soccer or coaching!

If you want to coach at the 7U, 8U, 9U, 10U, or 11U levels, then we have experienced coaches who would be more than happy to guide you through your first season. Simply let us know that you want to coach!

Coaching is an extremely important and rewarding experience. You have the opportunity as the coach to model mature, competitive behavior. You can emphasize important values like respect, teamwork, hard work, mental toughness, and competitiveness. 

If you would like to coach, please let us know when you register your player. We’d also encourage you to send an email to [email protected] and let us know in email as well. If you send an email, we’ll try to connect with you earlier than if you only indicate that you’re interested in coaching on the registration portal. 

13. I don’t want to be the coach. Can I still help out?

Yes, coaches love help! It’s a lot of work to coach, and parent participation makes it much simpler.

Talk to your coach to see if you can help. Examples of things that you may be able to help with include:

  1. Let the coach know you’re available to help run practice. The coach may have you help run drills, organize the players, keep track of time, or other types of things.
  2. Help with the field setup and teardown before and after practice.
  3. Run practice if the coach gets sick or can’t make it to a practice.
    Again, all Centex Storm volunteers must have a current background check and be SafeSport and Heads Up (concussion) trained.

14. Do you know someone that can be a referee?

Recruiting more referee’s is very important as the league grows. Did you know that there’s a referee shortage throughout the country! Referees are a trained and paid position. It takes thick skin to be a referee, but it can be a lot of fun. To make a referee referral, please have the referee send an email to us at [email protected]. 

15. What does “recreational” mean? What are the other options?

Recreational soccer is soccer that does not travel and is played in two fixed seasons each year – spring and fall. Recreational soccer is a great team-building sport and is a great way for youth to stay active throughout the year. Our goal in recreational soccer is to foster a love of the sport. To do that, recreational soccer should be stress-free, encouraging, and welcoming to new players.

For players who love the sport of soccer and want to compete at higher levels, then the next-level option is select soccer. Select soccer has try-outs, games that require traveling, and players will play throughout the year. 

16. Why should I play with Centex Storm?

Centex Storm is your local, official youth soccer club. Centex Storm is affiliated with Capital Area Youth Soccer Association (CAYSA) > South Texas (STX) Soccer > US Youth Soccer (USYS) > US Soccer > FIFA.

The advantages to being with a club like Centex Storm:

  1. The governing bodies require consistent organizational performance and safeguards from Centex Storm.
  2. Everyone enforces the same standardized gameplay rules.
  3. As players advance in skill, they have opportunities to play at higher and higher levels.